
The kiss


In front of the sculpture “The Kiss” by Rodin I felt my thoughts take flight and reach another dimension. In the sense of using the fantasy to see a reality less boring, transform history into romance, not to confuse, but to clear the ideas and let life more creative and interest.

These reflective flights are well received by me, especially when we are facing a magnificent piece of white marble that pulsates as if it had been created or conceived at that time.

To use a parallel universe, which reaches another dimension in time, fascinates me. It is amazing the capacity of our brain to generate so many sensations and promote opportunities in the field of creativity that I often find myself immersed in research and information to justify my instant travels made naturally without the need of drugs.

Imagine if I used! “On the machine, a single chip takes all decisions. But neurons are 100 billions”, says the electronic engineer Joao Zuffo, from University of Sao Paulo. “While the chip only knows how to answer yes or not (1 or 0), the brain has millions of possibles ways. Due to this intricate network, we do not always do what is more logical. For the same reason, the machines that has simpler routes to go, can not to be creatives or surprising.”

For this reason, in this intricate network of neurons, whose thoughts are not always directed by logic, especially when I visit an art show, I have such unusual pathways that enrich my daily life.

Kiss by Rodin

When a work impresses me, automatically transport myself to its history and try to capture the feelings of the artist or what he lived to do the reading of what’s there in front of me.

Returning to Kiss by Rodin. My mind was fixed on that couple in love, almost real, in a deep express kiss in a stone block disguised by the image of desire and sensuality, with over 100 years!

Well! I realized that that sculpture – Kiss – dialogued with my emotions in such a current way!

The Artist, the French Auguste Rodin, was undoubtedly great and not less his muse Camille Claudel, let’s quote her to avoid being unjust and recognize that she was the companion of the master, who lived in a ungrateful time to his wife and ended his days locked up in a madhouse, sad and lonely because committed the sin of loving too much.

Camille Claudel

In my opinion, Camille surpassed her master and mistress in the art of sculpture, but in the art of love lost herself in her plots. But one must consider that the poor woman was advanced for her time and had a puritanical and cruel society around constantly judging her as out of standards established for the time. In fact, she did not live to reap the rewards of women’s achievements and of her talent …

Camille arrived in Paris around 1881, according some records, met Rodin in 1885, he with 45 and she with 17 or 19 years, do not know exactly, I got lost on the accuracy of the dates. In the late nineteenth century, the romance was over and she became a bitter and paranoid woman, accusing Rodin of stealing her works. This mystery remained with Rodin without being unraveled, however, we do not need to be very observant to make sure that the sensual and vibrant production of the French master was during the period in which he was involved in the most torrid passion for the student.

If at the time of the production of Kiss, 1882 Camille did not participate in the elaboration of the work or was his inspiring muse, surely, was about to be. The sculpture is the maximum of love and shows how Rodin was directed to the subject of sensuality of the flesh. A stage where his flesh was pounding by new emotions!

So between one thought and another, thinking about the love between Rodin and Camille, my thoughts remained outside the physical space of the exhibition, far beyond the story: I got lost in daydreams about the sensual pleasure of one of the most beautiful caress exchanged between human beings: the kiss.

Kissing is the art of delivering the emotions that involves love, sex and pleasure.

The kiss that I’m referring to in this text, is the act of love between a man and a woman, based on my sensations, from a stimulus that appeared when I was appreciating the sculpture of Rodin. Therefore, it is not a reflection about the meaning of the kiss as a gesture of universal affection among human beings of all ages, gender, race and culture.

When I say that kissing is an act of delivery, refer to the fact that there are different kisses that denounce how subtly or not we are to surrender our hearts to the partner.

It is roughly equal to a strong hug that embraces the slots and the protrusions of our body and connect our heart to the other heart to pass the intense flow of a feeling that nothing has of a simple friendly hug.

The kiss on the mouth which I define as a total surrender, is the one that shakes the whole body, from head to toe, vibrating our endless and most remote nerve fibers at the time that the lips approach each other and are magnetized by the skin, entwining tongues, frenetic, high in the voluptuousness of pleasure that in the same space of emotions, wants to get closer to the heart of the other. This is the big difference between the kiss and the sexual act itself.

Not everyone can kiss that way for fear of leaving the heart at the mercy of another.

A big mistake!

The kiss of surrender, fully, body and heart, is unforgettable. Brings joy to the soul and feeling of extreme happiness for both, considering that the delivery is reciprocal, such an intense exchange, can offer a lifetime of sensations for a few minutes of kissing.
A feeling that is independent of living forever with the partner who kissed but, yes, of having passed through paradise.
Kissing, kissing for real lets always a wet taste, voluptuous, engraved in the depths of a sacred memory, as if it were some supply of cosmic energy, large and bright, which nourishes and always keeps the flame of enjoyment of life on.
It is sweetness!

Wonderful journey through the lines carved in marble, hard, cold, white, transmuted into Kiss, created by Rodin’s emotion.
My tribute to the two lovers!


The pleasures and displeasures of an unusual trip

DSC00423-e1423692765672That man was too tall to remain standing in that minibus crowded towards Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, and to better accommodate himself, started asking permission, moving from one site to the other and in a circus contortionist, with his thin and slender body, finally reached the end of the corridor and there, sat on the floor in a more comfortably way to continue his journey. Eduardo settled between two seats, mine and my sister’s and from there the prose began.

Among curves and bumps everything was theme to “throw conversation away and don’t see time passing”. The wheather, the almost unexplored beauty of Barra do Cunhau, a beach located on South Coast two and a half hours far from the capital of Natal, the danger of pollution, garbage destroying without pity that tropical paradise. From there, Dudadaboneca, as known in the beach community, revealed that gift only a few have: to recite a verse taken with emotion beyond the heart.

10488197_555048134607297_8579356156517402051_nFrom there the scenario has changed. The trop was much lighter and cheerful. All who were around stretched the ear to not lose a part of that rhymed prose. In this group were the tourists, the girls who already knew Eduardo from the Barra, people returning to work in the city and locals. The cordel poem “The seven constituents” or as they like call “The animals are right”, from Antonio Francisco, from Mossoro, was exalted by Dudadaboneca that evening, in a boring trip inside a minibus, which besides crowded was full of mechanical problems.

The company of an artist brought joy and tranquility in such a way that by the time the driver stopped the car to see what was that smell of burnt rubber, nobody said anything.

This way, without panic and complaints, in a slow, careful jolt the driver resumed the journay saying the vehicle was only half wheel locked and he would try to get untill Christmas.

Summarizing this story, without feeling any boredom or fear, we arrived safe and sound in Christmas on another bus with a smile on the face. The trip was fun and exciting despite the mishaps. The poem in portuguese.

*In Barra do Cunhau, Eduardo – Dudadaboneca (Duda from the doll)- is a kind of cultural ambassador in the period that enjoys vacations in that paradise on earth. Dances with his tar doll, sings and plays with a group that likes music and chat. People that respect popular culture and only need an accordion, trombone and good musical instruments to animate a good group, with no need to breaking the ears of the neighbor with bad songs in a very high sound. In his project Alvorada – wake up at 5am – at 6am runs through the neighborhood with a themed jeep, before a giant bicycle, and cativates the people with some boleros from Waldick Soriano. The reality of day-to-day lives in Christmas when fulfills his role as a military of the Brazilian army. “I’m an artist since I was born and when I entered the army I was aware I needed to adjust these opposites – Art and military life. And it worked”, he says smiling.


Pulso da vida…


Que venham os ventos impetuosos

As chuvas torrenciais

As trovoadas e relâmpagos

De estrondos guturais


Que venham as corredeiras nos despenhadeiros

Os galhos de árvore que chicoteiam o ar

As altas marés

Redemoinho de forças de se atordoar


Que se liberte a personalidade da natureza

Que a expressão máxima das emoções dela

Não encontre barreiras

Porque depois de toda esta explosão

Vem uma calmaria

Que nos torna mais atentos, energizados, encantados

Com senso de que a vida

É cor, sabor, aroma e estranhamento

Intensidade, realidade, pulso, movimento


Vida é metamorfose

Verão, inverno, outono, primavera

Nascer, crescer e morte

Vida é voz e silêncio

Encontro e distanciamento

Sobretudo o mais profundo sentimento

Que acontece a cada fração de momento

Seja de calmaria ou tormento…

(Pintura de Fyodor Vasilyev – “Before a thumderstorn”)


Cleópatra deixou marcas que permanecem até hoje em Roma


Pequenos são os indícios da passagem de Cleópatra por Roma, no ano 30 a.C.

Mas mesmo que sua presença tenha desagradado muito romanos da época, esses vestígios ainda permanecem na cidade eterna. Os dois leões, ao pé da escada que conduz à Piazza del Campidoglio (Praça do Campidoglio) são, na verdade, duas esfinges trazidas por uma das mais célebres soberana da antiguidade, que encantou Júlio César e Marco Antonio há mais de dois mil anos.


A metade de uma gigantesca escultura em mármore, meio abandonada em uma das esquinas, também próximo ao Campidoglio, presume-se que seja da deusa Ísis cultuada pelos egípcios e bem próximo dela, uma fonte em formato de pinha faz parte da arte egípcia, que usava o modelo como decorativo. 

A informação é da italiana, Benedetta Bottone, da Associação cultural Roma Rome4u  Roma e Lazio x te, e professora de História da Arte, que, por intermédio da instituição, conduziu o passeio chamado “Cleópatra e os cultos egípcios na Roma Imperial”, realizado à noite.


A magia do passeio à noite

O passeio noturno é agradável e tem uma certa magia quando se percorre as ruas históricas de Roma do Campidoglio até o Largo Argentina sob as luzes amarelas da iluminação romana. Largo Argentina é o local das ruínas de quatro templos romanos e também onde Júlio César foi assassinado. O hábito de criar gatos pelos romanos começou por Cleópatra. Os gatos eram animais sagrados para os egípcios.


“Vamos caminhar juntos pelas ruas antigas de Roma, para descobrir como o lento declínio do misterioso povo egípcio é diretamente ligado ao declínio de Cleópatra VII, a última rainha da dinastia Ptolomeu.

Falaremos de sua presença em Roma e da influência política que o seu fascínio feminino exerceu sobre homens de sucesso como César e Marco Antonio e a rivalidade de Ottavia, mulher de Marco Antonio e irmã de Augusto.

No ano 30 a.C Ottaviano Augusto conquista o Egito vencendo Cleópatra. Junto com as riquezas angariadas pela vitória são importados também os cultos egípcios, sobretudo o de Ísis, amado pelo povo e combatido pelos imperadores, Por que? Nós descobriremos juntos”, divulgam os organizadores.

A Associação é composta por estudiosos apaixonados pela beleza artística de Roma e da região do Lazio e tem como objetivo organizar eventos, cursos e roteiros sobre arte, arqueologia, história, música, cultura e enogastronomia.

O passeio custa 8 euros e tem duração de duas horas e meia. Basta entrar no blog da organização para acompanhar os eventos programados para cada período ou se inscrever para receber a newsletter. Assim conhecer um pouco mais sobre as belezas artísticas de Roma, além das famosas incluídas nos roteiros turísticos tradicionais. Se tiver sorte poderá participar de programações como essa sobre Cleópatra, que são mais frequentes no verão e na primavera.